
Can AI detect the direction of harm? Building a model for message moderation on social media platforms


I got fascinated by mental health Discord servers and forums, they present a great potential for peer support and group healing. However, people in certain distressed states sometimes inadvertently hurt others or themselves. Even by detailing a horrific and traumatic event one can re-traumatize other people who went through similar experiences. This problem is especially salient for direct messages, where there are no moderators to intervene–we can only rely on users’ reporting after the harm is dealt. How do we protect users from harm? Hence I set out to solve the message moderation problem with AI.

What are some existing work in this area? Google’s Jigsaw team has worked on online harassment, and Meta has worked on suicide prevention. These two problems actually exist in the same problem space: harassment is harm directed from the user to others, and suicide ideation is harm directed from the user to themself. Only the direction is different. By expanding on this idea of the direction of harm, there are four cases: self harm, harming others, harmed by others, and reference of harm. By reference of harm I mean harm directed from others to others. Here are some example texts, all written from a first person perspective.

I’m trash1000
He’s trash0100
She told me I’m trash0010
He told her she’s trash0001
He told her she’s trash and I agree0101

In the case of “He told her she’s trash and I agree”, by endorsing a reference of harm, “I” as the user is also harming others. This is a multi-label classification problem—the labels are not mutually exclusive in a given text. I visualize these examples as a directed graph, where “I” is a special node.

Graph of harm
Graph 1. Visualizing harmful interactions as a directed graph

Once we have these labels, what can I do with them? From a moderation point of view, these four labels warrant distinct follow-up responses.

response to authorsuicide helplinewarning/block messageabuse helpline 
response to otherstrigger warningprompt user to reporttrigger warningtrigger warning

What are some of the requirements of this classification model? It needs to have competitive AUC and F1 score for each label. (I did not include accuracy as a metric since our data set is unbalanced.) Beside prediction power, the model needs to be fast due to our desired application in message moderation. A latency of 10ms per message is acceptable. This constrains our model to be a relatively small one. Hence various LLM’s are less than ideal due to response time, and cost is a factor too. I chose Microsoft’s DeBERTa-v3-small as the base model, it’s a transformer based encoder model with only 44M parameters. As a BERT variant, DeBERTa is pre-trained on a large corpus of texts and understands basic semantics, we shall fine-tune it with training data that represent each direction of harm.

The analysis for this blog post is documented in my direction_of_harm repo in Jupyter notebook format, and I uploaded the data as a Kaggle data set. I shall refer to the relevant notebooks throughout this post.

Gathering data

My starting point is the Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification data. It’s a public data set provided in a 2019 Kaggle competition, in which toxicity is defined as anything rude, disrespectful or otherwise likely to make someone leave a discussion. As we can see, the direction of harm is not reflected in the definition. I fine-tuned a DeBERTa model based on this data set alone (let’s call it toxic DeBERTa) and give our examples a try.

I’m trash0.99
He’s trash0.99
She told me I’m trash0.99
He told her she’s trash0.99
The shirt is trash0.99
This keyboard is useless0.99

As expected, toxic DeBERTa was not able to distinguish the directions and marked all of them as toxic. Interestingly, it considered insults towards inanimate objects as toxic (“The shirt is trash”, “This keyboard is useless”). I don’t consider these comments to be harmful, unless someone really goes overboard with insulting an object. Indeed, the toxic data set is collected from online comments, and a lot of them are political debates. This means that

  1. they only represent human-to-human interaction, and
  2. they mostly represent the “harming others” label.

Doing this exercise hightlights the limitation of the toxic data set, but at least I have one harm label down. By choosing data with toxicity greater than or equal to 0.9 (‘toxicity’ rating comes with the toxic data set), I refer to this data set as 0.9 toxic data.

My next goal is to find a data set with negative human-to-object interactions in order to offset the bias in the 0.9 toxic data. I will label such data as 0 in all harm labels so that our final model can distinguish human-to-human interations from human-to-object interations. To that end, I used the All Beauty subset of the 2018 Amazon Review data, specifically I chose the 1 star reviews that scored more than 0.4 by the toxic DeBERTa. Here’s an example: “Absolutely disgusting. Do not purchase. It’s old and rancid. ZERO STARS”. Lastly, I removed some entries where reviewers associated the bad quality of the product with certain geographical locations, since this might inadvertently endorse the denigration of certain countries.

How do I get representive data for the “self harm” label? I found the public Suicide and Depression Detection dataset, published by Nikhileswar Komati. This data set is collected from two subsections of Reddit: every post from r/SuicideWatch is labeled as “suicide”, and every post from r/teenagers is labeled as “non-suicide”. An issue I have with this approach is by inspection, not every post in r/SuicideWatch has self harming language, even though the majority of them do. Having said that, collecting data from Reddit is a great idea. Inspired by Nikhileswar’s approach, I scraped

  • 1700 posts from r/SuicideWatch for the “self harm” label
  • 1700 posts from r/abusiverelationships for the “harmed by others” label, and
  • comments of 600 posts of r/abusiverelationships for the “reference to harm” label.

I then preprocessed these data by splitting each post to shorter texts (each with fewer than or equal to 10 sentences), and I removed texts that are too short (fewer than or equal to 5 words) due to their lack of context. To clarify, I do not label all texts from r/SuicideWatch as “self harm” and so on, I still go through a careful labeling process. However, I do expect texts from r/SuicideWatch have a high proportion of “self harm” labels, as well a certain proportion of other labels like “harmed by others”. Similarly, texts from other subreddit will contain a mix of harm labels.

Lastly, the toxic data set with 0 in the “toxicity” field is a good source of data for 0’s in all direction of harm labels, I refer to this data set as 0 toxic data.

Labeling data Part I

Can LLM label data for you? I will answer that question by the end of this paragraph. I started with some manual labeling, and very quickly I realized this task is more difficult than I expected. Things are not always as simple as in Graph 1, where one can change the direction of harm by switching the point of view of a sentence. Here are two nuanced examples. a) “You’re an idiot” is very harmful towards others, but “I’m an idiot” could be a self-deprecating comment that doesn’t necessarily show self harm. b) “You’re not important to me” doesn’t mean much coming from strangers, but it’s devestating coming from loved ones. Such nuance is not captured by Graph 1, so I need to establish some judging principles.

The three guiding principles I followed are

  1. follow-up reponse principle
  2. action over effect principle
  3. believe the author principle

To elaborate point 1., in order to determine the level of harm, I ask myself the question, does this message warrant a follow-up response according to the response table? This helps me decide on the “You’re an idiot” vs. “I’m an idiot” example. For point 2., I focus on the act of harm instead of the effect of implicit harm. For example, “I’m scared of him” only shows the effect of being scared but the harmful action is absent, I label this text as 0 in “harmed by others”. Whereas “I’m scared of what he’ll do when he’s upset” contains harmful action, I label this text as 1 in “harmed by others”. Point 3. is to assume the author is telling the truth. For example, I label “My ex is an abuser” as 1 in “harmed by others”, even if the author might not be telling the truth. It is in fact quite harmful to call someone an abuser if they’re not, but we have to make an assumption.

I used Label Studio for manual labeling. Initially I provided a prompt and 64 examples for few-shot learning to gpt-4o. Few-shot learning means giving a handful of examples of correct labels to the LLM, in hope that the input will steer the output in the right direction. This approach did not yield the desired result, likely because Open AI has done training/sentiment analysis on similar data, but their labels have subtle differences. For example, I define “self harm” as belittling oneself or the act/intent of physically hurting oneself, whereas the traditional sentiment analysis would associate a depressive state with “self harm”. As a result, Open AI’s “self harm” labeling is more sensitive than mine. On top of that, gpt-4o is costly, and I was hitting the daily token limit. Naturally, I shifted my strategy to fine-tuning gpt-4o-mini, a much smaller model, using 674 manually labeled training data and 98 validation data. Changing the underlying parameters of the model (fine-tuning) affect the output a lot more than changing the input (few-shot learning). To answer the question whether LLM can label data, yes, but not out of the box. It requires additional work.

I used the Open AI API for fine-tuning gpt-4o-mini and the validation inference. After experimenting with the hyperparemeters, epoch=4, batch_size=4, and the default learning_rate_multiplier=1.8 gave me the best result, achieving good F1 scores.


One trick that helped my batch inference task is taking advantage of the json response format.

response_format = {
    "type": "json_schema",
    "json_schema": {
        "strict": True,
        "name": "harmlabels",
        "schema": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "id": {
                    "type": "string"
                "self_harm": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "enum": [0, 1]
                "harming_others": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "enum": [0, 1]
                "harmed_by_others": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "enum": [0, 1]
                "reference_to_harm": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "enum": [0, 1]
            "required": [
                "id", "self_harm", "harming_others", "harmed_by_others", "reference_to_harm"
            "additionalProperties": False

This constrains the output format of the LLM, and eliminated hallucination in my experience. gpt-4o-mini occasionally skipped samples before I used response format.

Lastly, I used the fine-tuned LLM to label r/SuicideWatch data, r/abusiverelationships data, r/abusiverelationships comments data, and 0.9 toxic data. I then made some adjustment based on manual inspection. For the All Beauty Amazon Review data set, I labeled all of them as 0 except for some rare cases when the reviewer insulted their sellers. Combined with the small set of examples from few-shot learning, let’s refer to this entire collection as the positive data set. The distribution of harm labels among the positive data set matches my expectation.

Distribution four datasets
Distribution of harm labels in four main data sets

The distribution of harm labels in the combined positive data is as follows. Distribution positive dataset

The total number of each harm label is as follows.

 no harmself_harmharming_othersharmed_by_othersreference_to_harm

Labeling data Part II

The 0 toxic data have 144,210 samples (as a reminder, these are the toxic data with 0 ‘toxicity’ rating), it represents samples with no harm labels in theory. This data set dwarfs the positive data set, so we have a slight data imbalance problem. However, I still plan to include it in training, analogous to using a white background to make a person stand out in the portrait. There is a serious issue with this—the 0 toxic data might not have “harming others” labels, but it contains other harm labels. I’d like to filter them out and retain a purely white background.

How can I quickly identify those with harm labels in 0 toxic data set? I can use the fine-tuned gpt-4o-mini again, but the daily token limit is a problem due to the large amount of data. So I decided to fine-tune a DeBERTa model using the positive data only, and use that fine-tuned model to carry out the filtering. For lack of a better word, I refered to this process as prep training. This filtered out 24% of the 0 toxic data. I refer to this filtered data set as the negative data set.


I combined the positive and the negative data set and performed a multi-label train/test split. I then fine-tuned a DeBERTa model based on the training set and evaluated on the test set. The results are as follows.


Note that the “self harm” label has the best result despite having the smallest amount of data, this is likely due to “self harm” having the most distinct language compared to other harm labels.

Summary and next step

The results are competitive but aren’t perfect. This is a hard problem. When I manually labeled data the challenge not only lies in determining the direction of harm, but in judging the level of harm as well. I imagine a machine learning model would struggle with it too. When it comes to message moderation it won’t replace human moderators, but it can greatly reduce the workload.

The inference time for harm DeBERTa is 10ms per sample on GPU, which is acceptable for message moderation. My next step is to reduce the cost by applying quantiziaion to the model. Quantization is a method of mapping high-precision weights (fp32) to low-precision weights (int8). Doing this will sacrifice model’s performance slightly for a significant gain in speed. It enables 10ms per sample inference on CPU, which makes this message moderation tool available on any server.

I’d like to thank my friend Stephen Voinea for his insightful advice on this project.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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